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Search by BelAmi Models
Helmut Huxley
Helmut was originally not very enthusiastic about his stage name. Unfortunately, we had no options though with it here because in all scenes and documentaries the other boys were already calling him Helmut based on his haircut and it had become so pervasive that we had to stick with it. Helmut is 24, tall (193cm) lean and in his new scenes has become quite athletic. We are afraid though that you will see 2 different Helmuts. One young, inexperienced, with little definition and a little bit scared of what he is doing and the new Helmut who is more athletic, relaxed and happy with his new identity.
Click Movie List to see list of all movies with Helmut Huxley or choose second model from selection below to get list of all movies with both models.
Orri Aasen
Allan Aimée
Rocco Alfieri
Peter Annaud
Adam Archuleta
Joaquin Arrenas
Jason Bacall
Sven Basquiat
Kieran Benning
Joel Birkin
Jean-Luc Bisset
Johnny Bloom
Charlie Bogard
Andre Boleyn
Christopher Caan
Tim Campbell
Derek Caravaggio
Alan Cartier
Pip Caulfield
Serge Cavalli
Pierre Cezanne
Elio Chalamet
Damian Chapelle
Jens Christensen
Jason Clark
Arne Coen
Oliver Coogan
Bart Cuban
Danny Defoe
Zac DeHaan
Nate Donaghy
Riff Dornan
Bastian Dufy
Jim Durden
Jamie Durrell
Roald Ekberg
Miguel Estevez
Kris Evans
Jerome Exupery
Jordan Faris
Marcel Gassion
Phillipe Gaudin
Kirk Gauguin
Jack Harrer
Dan Hilfiger
Harris Hilton
Tom Houston
Rhys Jagger
Eluan Jeunet
Brian Jovovich
Jon Kael
Andrei Karenin
Hoyt Kogan
Raf Koons
Hans Lagerfeld
Jarrod Lanvin
John Lennox
John Leto
Antony Lorca
Christian Lundgren
Dylan Maguire
Bob Marghiela
Ryan McKenna
Gregg Meyjes
Robin Michaux
Jeff Mirren
Jeroen Mondrian
Ashton Montana
Alec Morrison
Maori Mortensen
Gino Mosca
Bobby Noiret
Raphael Nyon
Kian O'Connor
Ethan O'Pry
Yannis Paluan
Matthieu Pique
Tom Pollock
Sammy Poulain
Bruce Querelle
Robin Rief
Manuel Rios
Jeremy Robbins
Ian Roebuck
Tom Rogers
Marc Ruffalo
Justin Saradon
Michel Seberg
Claude Sorel
Viggo Sorensen
Mark Sullivan
Nils Tatum
Jorik Tautou
Mario Texeira
Torsten Ullman
Nino Valens
Ariel Vanean
Niko Vangelis
Enrique Vera
Kevin Warhol
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